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Digital Foundation Releases the West Africa Digital Competitiveness Index for 2022

Digital Foundation Africa, a pan-African think tank focused on unlocking and shaping the continent’s digital future through research, policy and skill development and advocacy in advancing digitalization
and digital technologies announces its maiden research dubbed “The West Africa Digital Competitiveness Index”.

The Index measures, access and rank which of the West Africans states is implementing, adopting while using good policies among other uses of digital services while mapping the growth of its digital
development sectors for socio-economic transformations. Using about 10 variables from Mobile Money & Online transactions to Digital Infrastructure & Policy implementation in this maiden observatory study, Ghana leads the Anglophone West Africa while Cote D’Iovire the digital competitive Francophone West Africa with Cabo Verde leading Lusophone West Africa as the most digital competitive country whereas Niger, Burkina Faso and Mauritania are the worst digital competitive west African states.

The Ranking would guide ECOWAS states in their approach in the implementation and development of the digital sector hence translating into how citizens transact and use digital in their daily lives.
After the release of the index, activities will be held to engage governments and other stakeholders per country to help in the direction and future of the digital sector.
The West Africa edition is part of a bigger Pan-African Digital Index, the foundation intends to work from 2023.

More details of the index will be further released on the Index’s official website,
Signed: Foster Kofi Sam,
Co-Founder / CVO

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